Members of the Board of Directors for the Collie Junior Foundation (CJF) serve in leadership positions and, therefore, are held to a higher standard of ethics and conduct than non-Board CJF members. By signing this Statement of Ethics and Code of Conduct, each Board member demonstrates their commitment to honest and ethical Board service by agreeing to the following provisions.
The primary goal of the CJF Board of Directors is to help Juniors achieve their goals by providing appropriate scholarship aid, education as it pertains to the dog show fancy, and create connections within the Collie breed. To this end, this statement provides that the CJF Board of Directors shall:
- Advocate for Juniors
- Remain aware of issues affecting Juniors and continually advocate for their interests at the breed, all-breed, and state and federal levels.
- Support efforts to encourage Juniors to aspire to and plan for education beyond high school.
- Identify areas where Junior voices are needed both within the CJF as well as the Collie Club of America.
- Protect Juniors and their rights, mimicking advocate behaviors outlined in programs such as the AKC approved Stewards of Children.
- Manifest the highest level of integrity
- Commit to the highest level of ethical behavior and refrain from conflict of interest or the perception thereof.
- Work with others honestly and fairly, abiding by our commitments and always acting in a manner that merits the trust and confidence others have placed in us.
- Promote the free expression of ideas and opinions, and foster respect for diverse viewpoints.
- Support Junior access and success
- Commit to assisting with financial barriers for those who want to pursue postsecondary learning and support each Junior who shows Collies.
- Apply principles that do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, or economic status.
- Support the active participation and working relationship of Juniors within the American Kennel Club and Collie Club of America.
- Strive for transparency and clarity
- Educate Juniors and families through quality information that is AKC-tested when possible.
As a member of the Board of Directors for the Collie Junior Foundation, I will:
- Adhere to CJF’s By-Laws and act within the boundaries of its authority as defined by Delaware Nonprofit law.
- Strive at all times to serve the interests of CJF as a whole regardless of my personal interests. This includes being fully versed in the governing documents of CJF and placing the interests of the Juniors before my own.
- Use due diligence and sound judgment to make the best possible business decisions for CJF taking into consideration all available information, circumstances, and resources.
- Immediately disclose to the Officers any conflict of interest as soon as I become aware of the potential conflict or issue.
- Treat other Directors and members of CJF with respect at all times and refrain from making personal attacks or inflammatory comments about anyone. I will make it a priority to be a good role model for Juniors.
- Provide feedback and participate in discussions on CJF motions and actions, but support and abide by all Board decisions once made.
- Continue to remain a CJF member in good standing for the duration of my term.
As a member of the Board of Directors for the Collie Junior Foundation, I will NOT:
- Reveal any discussion or decisions made during any properly closed Executive session of the Board without prior approval of the Board.
- Share specific comments or identifying information from the Board discussion without permission.
- Divulge personal information about any CJF member that was obtained in the performance of Board duties.
- Misrepresent known facts in any issue involving CJF business.
As a Board member, I have read and agree to the Board of Director Statement of Ethics and Code of Conduct presented above.
Signature: Date:
Board Position: Print Name: